Lesson 2, Topic 4
In Progress

C6 L7 Reading and meaning part 3

Rajesh Sen May 5, 2024
Lesson Progress
0% Complete

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Days went by. One morning, the King came into Alicia’s room. He was sighing heavily and seemed low-spirited.
He sat down miserably, leaning his head upon his hand, and his elbow upon the kitchen table.
Alicia asked, “What is the matter, Papa?”
“I am extremely poor, my child,” the King replied.
“Have you no money at all, papa?” Alicia enquired.
“None, my child.”
“Is there no way left of getting any, Papa?”
“No way,” said the King. “I have tried very hard, and I have tried all ways.”
When she heard those last words, the princess Alicia began to put her hand into the pocket where she kept the magic fish-bone.
“Papa,” said she, “when we have tried very hard, and tried all ways, we must have done our very best?”
“No doubt, Alicia.”
“When we have done our very best, Papa, and that is not enough, then I think the right time must have come for asking help of others.” This was indeed the very secret connected with the magic fish-bone.
So she took out from her pocket the magic fish-bone that had been dried and rubbed and polished till it shone like mother-of-pearl. She gave it a little kiss and wished it was salary day. And immediately the King’s salary came rattling down the chimney, and bounced into the middle of the floor.
Immediately afterwards, the good fairy Grandmarina came riding in, in a carriage drawn by four peacocks, dressed in silver and gold.
“Alicia, my dear,” said the charming old fairy, “How do you do?” The princess Alicia embraced her. Grandmarina turned to the King then. “I suppose you know the reason now why Alicia did not use the fish-bone sooner?”
The King made her a shy bow.
“It only remains,” said Grandmarina in conclusion, “to make an end to the fish-bone.”
So she took it from the hand of the princess Alicia, and it was instantly grabbed by the little snapping pug-dog next door!

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