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Activity 6

Write ‘T’ for true statements and ‘F’ for false statements in the given boxes. Give supporting statements for each of your answers:

(a) One morning Alicia found the king to be very happy.

(b) Alicia had kept the magic fish bone in the drawer of her room.

(c) The king’s problem was solved by the magic fish bone.

(d) In the end Alicia handed over the fish bone to the old fairy.

Answers: (a) F. One morning Alicia found the king to be very unhappy and low-spirited.

(b) F. Alicia had kept the magic fish bone in the pocket of her dress.

(c) T. The king’s problem was solved by the magic fish bone when Alicia wished for his salary.

(d) F. In the end, Alicia handed over the fish bone to a snapping pug-dog next door.

Activity 7

Questions: (a) Why was the king feeling miserable?

(b) What was to Alicia the right moment for asking help from others?

(c) How did the king get his salary?

(d) Why did Grandmarina wish to make an end of the fish bone?

Answers: (a) Ans. The king was feeling miserable because he was extremely poor and had no money at all.

(b) Ans. To Alicia, the right moment for asking help from others was when they had done their very best and it was not enough.

(c) Ans. The king got his salary after Alicia used the magic fish bone to wish for it, and it came rattling down the chimney.

(d) Ans. Grandmarina wished to make an end of the fish bone because its purpose had been fulfilled and it was no longer needed.

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