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Activity 8(a):

Write a story in about sixty words based on the following hints:

Hints: an old farmer calls his lazy sons — asks them to dig up treasure stored in the field — sons dig up field but find no treasure — farmer asks them to sow seeds — a rich harvest — sons understand the value of hard work.

Story: Once upon a time, there lived a farmer in a village. He had four sons who were very lazy. One day, he asked them to dig up treasure stored in the field. The sons dug up the field but found no treasure. The farmer then asked them to sow seeds. The result was a rich harvest. The sons understood the value of hard work. (64 words)

Activity 8(b):

Write a short paragraph in about sixty words describing your favourite season. Use the following hints:

Hints: name of the season — flowers and fruits — vegetables — festivals — why you enjoy it.

Paragraph: My favourite season is spring. During spring, flowers bloom, and fruits like mangoes, strawberries, and berries ripen. Vegetables like peas, spinach, and carrots grow abundantly. Festivals such as Holi and Easter are celebrated with great joy and enthusiasm. I enjoy spring because the weather is pleasant, and nature looks beautiful with blooming flowers, green fields, and the fragrance of fresh blossoms everywhere. (62 words)

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