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Activity 6 (a):

Fill in the blanks with suitable articles and prepositions:

We went to the park and had a picnic. I played on a slide and had some chocolate. Then we took a walk.

Activity 6 (b):

Identify the types of sentences given below:

(i) Can we go there?
Ans. Interrogative

(ii) What fun they had!
Ans. Exclamatory

(iii) She was not well.
Ans. Assertive (Declarative)

(iv) Sit down.
Ans. Imperative

Activity 7(a):

Find the synonyms of the following words or expressions from the poem:

(i) gathering in a group
Ans. flocking

(ii) not foolish
Ans. wise

(iii) persons who plant seeds
Ans. sowers

(iv) thing used to reap corn
Ans. scythe

Activity 7(b):

Match the following words in column A with their opposites in column B:

(i) patientimpatient
(ii) wiseunwise
(iii) slowfast
(iv) joyssorrows
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