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Activity 1:

Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and fill in the blanks:

(a) The child will go with his father to the ______ for ploughing. (field/sea/hills)
Answer: field
Complete Sentence: The child will go with his father to the field for ploughing.

(b) The child will sing to the horses along with the ______. (lark/wren/gull)
Answer: lark
Complete Sentence: The child will sing to the horses along with the lark.

(c) The father sings the seed-song while ______ . (reaping/sowing/harvesting)
Answer: sowing
Complete Sentence: The father sings the seed-song while sowing.

(d) Reaping will be done by the father when the field is ______. (red/brown/green)
Answer: brown
Complete Sentence: Reaping will be done by the father when the field is brown.

Activity 2:

Complete the following sentences with information from the text:

(a) The and will come flocking after the child.
Answer: rooks and gulls
Complete Sentence: The rooks and gulls will come flocking after the child.

(b) The plough song will ______ the cleaving share.
Answer: bless
Complete Sentence: The plough song will bless the cleaving share.

(c) The child will go ______ for sowing.
Answer: with his father
Complete Sentence: The child will go with his father for sowing.

(d) The reapers are tan-faced because ______.
Answer: they work in the heat of the sun
Complete Sentence: The reapers are tan-faced because they work in the heat of the sun.

Activity 3:

Answer the following question:

Q. Why will the father and the child sing while ploughing, sowing, and reaping?

The father and the child sing while ploughing, sowing, and reaping to make the work enjoyable and to keep themselves motivated and cheerful throughout the day. The songs also bring a sense of rhythm and harmony to their work, connecting them with nature and each other.

Activity 4:

Fill in the chart with information from the text:

Names of birdsActions
(a) the rooks, the crows, the seagullflocking
(b) the rooks, the gulls, the starlingsflocking
(c) the geese, the crowssinging
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