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Activity 9 (a)

Questions: Replace the underlined words with their antonyms:

(i) I helped a poor girl yesterday.

(ii) He came sooner than expected.

(iii) I saw a little plant by the roadside.

(iv) She read the conclusion of the novel.

Answers: (i) I helped a rich girl yesterday.

(ii) He came later than expected.

(iii) I saw a big plant by the roadside.

(iv) She read the beginning of the novel.

Activity 9 (b)

Questions: Make meaningful sentences of your own with the following words:

flashed, present, message, directed


  1. Flashed: The warning light flashed repeatedly, indicating a problem with the engine.
  2. Present: She received a beautiful present on her birthday.
  3. Message: The message from the principal was clear and concise.
  4. Directed: The manager directed the team to complete the project by the end of the week.
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